Stems Cut Flowers by Emily Watson

CAMB0015headshots copy73 copy000005170008 copySo finally excited to post pics of the talented Emily Watson of Stems Cut Flowers!  We’ve worked so many weddings together that it was time to feature her work.  In my opinion and I might be a little biased but I think Emily’s work is AMAZING!  Also the fact that I was shocked in learning that the majority of flowers used in weddings aren’t locally grown.  In fact most of them are actually grown in central America in pesticide driven fields and shipped all over the country.  Emily’s flowers are grown locally in her very own set of greenhouses and inside her home.  Yep, her personal basement is where it all begins as just seeds and dirt and once they’ve grown big enough they’re transferred to her farm in East Troy, WI!  Can’t forget about her husband too Nich who assists wherever he can!  In a way I feel like Emily’s flowers each have their own soul and uniqueness!  Be sure to check out her work here and you can find her flowers every weekend at the Wauwatosa Farmer’s market on Saturdays.


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