Corie + Mike

6712698434571672978101112131573747017DSC_2773207521232524262728CAMB1800CAMB1929-Edit-2298280817677787932333435363738394042434445464748495051525354555657585960616264836665It’s officially a wrap!  What a great way to end an amazing year by photographing such an awesome and amazing couple on the last day of 2015!  Had the most unbelievable time celebrating Corie & Mike’s NYE wedding in Illinois at the Patrick Haley Mansion and it absolutely felt surreal to be a part of this day!  It was also a first for me to photograph a bride and her maid of honor’s wedding in the same year as Corie was Renee’s MOH back in August so it was like deja vu except colder!  But what a blessing it is to be a part of their lives and to be able to do what you love and have it so enjoyable!  Bring on 2016!


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