Great Lakes Profiles were created to give digital images a film inspired look influenced by Midwestern lighting.  It was inspired to match digital files to one of my favorite film stocks in the world, Fujifilm Pro 400H with Midwestern lighting conditions in mind.  What is Midwestern lighting conditions?  It’s a little of everything from pre-tornado clouds, snow flurries in June, apocalyptic lighting at a noon ceremony outdoors, checking your phone multiple times that it is really AM and not PM, and the occasional hurricane force winds.   Yes, sometimes we do have nice beautiful days too so it’s not all terrible but a far cry from lovely light from Southern & West Coast light, the ideal conditions for taking pictures.

I feel that it is such an honor to be a Midwest Photographer as we can tackle any lighting conditions at the blink of an eye and hence as a film lover and shooter for years I was inspired to create a Film inspired profile for Lightroom & ACR that was more accurate for the harsher Midwest lighting condition and still maintain the beautiful qualities of film.   Anyone who’s ever shot film in the Midwest can relate to this as it’s quite difficult to obtain close matches to our film counterparts when working with digital files so I’m proud to release these to the public to get photographers, hobbyist, and parents alike who are passionate about capturing images who want that film quality.