Julia & Phil

12348291411567910121315282733341719202122232425263031353638394032414243444546697 copy50515253555658 copy575862686448767769727071756618163765676159634980818278798384858687888990919293949596979810010110210310410510610810911011111211399114115116117As I sit here and think about what just happened on this July Saturday I truly am at a lost for words for what just happened here.  Did I just witness this gorgeous backyard ceremony overlooking a lake or witness this fairy tale of a southern boy falling for a northern girl or a bunch of crazy people dancing underneath a storm while the band had to find shelter because the roar of thunderstorms were a little too close for comfort while all being staged in a metal tent and the ground soaked in a few inches of water?   There’s usually something that goes wrong at a wedding right?  Is this still all a dream?  Pinch!  Yeah it was for real and it was perfect!


Florist – Emily Watson at Stems Cut Flowers

Wedding Coordinator – Lydia Mladenovic

Second Photographer – Alyson Moy Photography

Catering – Saz’s

Megan & Donnie

123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373840394241434445464748495051525354555657586061101102597069717273906263646574757667666877787980818283848586878889919293949596979899100103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134136137561 copyDonnie & Megan’s Milwaukee wedding.  Such a perfect day hanging out with these two and their friends and family.  I truly am blessed to have witnessed so many marriages in my short 5 years as a wedding photographer but this wedding was extra special seeing so many former clients all under one roof.  I must be doing something right but I don’t know yet?  Congrats D + M!


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